A windy start last Sunday and a few competitors experimenting with different loads led to a wide difference in usual scores. Well done Hayden, Geoff and Ian for their wins in each class.
Next Sunday 20th October will be at the 500 yard mound, sign on at 7.30am for 8.00am start. Contact Margaret on 4666 1018 if more information is required.
F Standard
Hayden Aspinall 123.8
John Cook 122.7
Femy Cook 109.3
F Open
Geoff Vollmerhause 125.10
Richard McKillop 122.12
Kevin Birse 122.9
Margaret Taylor 119.9
Bruce McAllan 119.6
Greg Wilson 119.6
Lyn McKillop 115.2
Neil Sexton 106.4
Kevin Jones 102.1
Dave Taylor 97.1
Ian Gaines 96.3
Rodney Cosmo 72.0