Another beautiful morning greeted the shooters, who took full advantage of the conditions with some fine scores recorded. Well done Ian and Murray to top their classes from some strong competition.
Next Sunday 29th August we are having a fly shoot at 600 yards, sign on at 8.30 am for 9.00 am start.
All members please note we will be holding our AGM on Sunday 5th September after completion of the morning competition.
F Standard
Ian Gaines 115.3
Craig Montgomery 106.1
Daryl Reck 105.1
Sonja Basson 101
Abe Basson 99.2
Charlie Montgomery 91
Owen Basson 89.1
F Open
Murray Reck 123.7
Richard McKillop 120.6
Greg Wilson 117.8
Dave Taylor 117.6
Margaret Taylor 116.4