A taste of autumn, with a cool start to proceedings. The scores recorded were again of a high standard with Geoff Volmerhause putting down a maximum score in the sporter/ hunter class with Gary Snelling not far behind in second place. In the open class Richard McKillop was back on top form with a win, Greg Wilson hard on his heels in runner up spot. The standard class was once again led by Dave Taylor with a good total, Cookie in second place.
Next Sunday 9th April (Easter Sunday) we will be at the 400 yard mound, sign on at 8.30 am for 9.00 am start. Contact Margaret on 4666 1018 for more information if required.Â
F Standard
Dave Taylor 124.11
Cookie 118.5
Kevin Jones 114.4
Merryn Snelling 110.3
F OpenÂ
Richard McKillop 125.13
Greg Wilson 124.7
Kevin Burse 123.9
Bruce McAllan 117.6
Margaret Taylor 111.3
Geoff Vollmerhause 105.12 - perfect Score
Gary Snelling 103.11
Nick Kent 101.6
Hayden Aspinall 100.7
Mick Aspinall 96.2