A fine morning as we welcomed Mayor Vic Pennisi, Councillors Marco Glioro and Ross Bartley to see the Electronic Targets in use.
Councillor Marco Gliori, centre, with members Murray Reck, left and Club Captain Neil Sexton.
Some good results with Murray continuing his good form to take first place in F Class Open, with Richard close behind.
Dave Taylor took the honours in F Standard, with Bob leading the way in Military rifle class.
Next Sunday, 9th August, we will be on the 400 yard mound.
Sign on at 0830 for an 0900 start.
Contact Margaret on 4666 1018.
F Open
Murray Reck 124.12
Richard McKillop 124.8
Neil Sexton 120.6
Bruce McAllan 115.6
Trevor Jones 107.1
Kevin Jones 98 (Testing new loads)
F Standard
Dave Taylor 120.10, finished his second string with 7 consecutive X's.
Trevor Smith 91.1
Military Rifle
Bob Tyllyer 86.2
Tom Higgins 83.2
Andrew Higgins 58.2