Very difficult conditions last Sunday with strong, gusting wind and mirage for the shooters. In open class Tom had a good shoot, ahead of father-in- law Kevin in second place. In
standard class Gavin shot well with Greg in runner up spot. Target rifle first place went to Dave ahead of Bob. Next Sunday 15th November we will be at the 500 yard mound, sign
on at 7.30 am for 8.00 am start, contact Margaret on 4666 1018 for more details.
F Open
Tom Magor 122.7
Kevin Jones 121.7
Richard McKillop 118.2
Neil Sexton 116.4
Margaret Taylor 114.3
Dave Taylor 113.9
Bob Tyllyer 107.4.
F Standard
Gavin Harrower 115.4
Greg Wilson 114.2
Daryl Reck 109
Target Rifle
Dave Broadbent 87.1
Bob Tyllyer 79.3.